Monday, November 26, 2012

March 5, 2012

Sounds like your week was nice and calm! Mine was too! It was busy but we could at least slow down enough to think so it was a good week but nothing to exciting happened! It’s kind of crazy to think it is already March! That means I’m coming up on my 8th month mark!!!!!!!!!! Crazy huh! when I left that’s where Aaron was and he is almost at 16 months and when I got to the mission field that’s where my  trainer was and he goes home this week! Crazy huh! Time goes by really fast and I’m not going to complain! I love the mission but it’s still hard to beat home! Cuz you know that’s "where the heart is'. :) I wish it would snow here! It rained most of this last week and we had tornado warnings a couple days. We didn’t see any though earlier this year they had a tornado that took out a school about 5 miles from where we live but no one was hurt! Virginia has some crazy weather! But that what my week consisted of! I will be looking forward to those cds :) since we can’t listen to the radio cds are our only option and I have 1 cd so it’s kind of getting old. But I hope you have a great week!
Love you forever like you for always
Love Twark

So I forgot about this story :)
yesterday I had a telephone lesson with a catholic lawyer! I held my own! It was cool! He is the dad of a couple of our investigators who were set for baptism but we are moving it so he can come down for it. He lives in PA and his kids and x-wife and her husband who are members live here. Kind of an interesting situation, by law he has to agree for them to be baptized and he wanted to learn about the church. I told him yesterday that I can tell him everything we believe and what we know to be true but until he humbles himself and quits trying to be defensive about the Mormon church and quits studying what the internet says and what we actually believe he ain't going to get anywhere. I told him if he wants to know what Mormons believe he needs to read the Book of Mormon (BOM) he wants to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet he needs to read and pray about the BOM, if he wants to know if being a Mormon will benefit his kids he needs to read the BOM. He asked me lots of questions that were rumors about the church that I never even heard b4. I can understand he only wants what’s best for his kids. Missionaries are going to be stopping by his house this week! The thing that gets me is he said he is Catholic but doesn’t believe half the things they teach! He told me that! then he goes off on all the Mormon  stuff and he would reference back to the Catholic church that he said  he don’t even believe in!!!!! It doesn't add up to well does it! It was  cool to see how the spirit works though cuz I know I’m not the sharpest  tool in the shed but when I can stand up to a lawyer who has graduated  from a Catholic school I know it was 100% led by the spirit! But the spirit is awesome!  O I have another story of the spirit this week! so we got a call from one of our inv. who is set to be baptized on the 24th she called us  and told us that she can’t be baptized cuz her family doesn't want her to!  Well Elder Kim and I went to her house the next day and on our way I felt impressed to stop by one of our recent converts whose house we just drove by. So we stopped by and asked her to come to this ladies house with us and share her testimony. Well she did and to make a long story short she is still set to be baptized on the 24th! Little miracles are the best! Make it all worth it! But that’s my week.

February 27, 2012

Hey mom,
I hope you are still in one piece! :) How as skiing??? I hope it was fun! Last night I had a dream I was snowmobiling then I woke up and I was sad! :( But oh well. How much will I owe on the 1099? I’m glad I don’t have to worry about it cuz there ain't much I can do about it! I could go give blood plasma?? But that requires a needle and you know how much I hate those! I didn’t even know I used my credit card! I must have grabbed the wrong one! They look alike. This last week was a good week in the
mission. On Sunday we had stake conference so we had a couple General Authorities come down for that. Our mission president was also here, on Saturday we had a baptism and it was great! It always is and we have 3 more planned for this next month! Its going really well so I can't complain. And on Thursday night we stopped by one of our investigators and taught her about the word of wisdom, gave her a blessing and set her for baptism on the 24 so it going really good and I’m having a great time! We did have some crazy weather this last week! It snowed at the first of the week 2 days later it was 80 and now it’s cold again!
But I hope all is well!
Love you forever
like u for always
Love Twark

February 20, 2012

It’s all good. I did get the package you sent me. Thanks so much! My likes it! I bet Boise was fun! My week was good we had President Perry and Sister Perry come to our ward yesterday and I had to teach and it was good but a little intimidating but it went well. But that was the highlight of my week. Not too much going on. This next week we are having a baptism and I'm excited for that. But that’s my life! Lol  I didn't even know today was presidents day until I drove by the library and no one was there! Missionaries are so out of the loop but it’s all good. We came to our bishop’s house to email so that’s why we were able to do it!
Love you forever
Like you for always
Love Twark


Sunday, November 25, 2012

February 13, 2012

Hey mom!

I’m glad to hear all is well at home! That’s cool you got dad a gps! They are a life saver! I use mine every day all day! It is fantastic! Church sounds fun to! I can only imagine you crying during the prayer!:) It’s ok! I’m in good hands! But I hope all else is well in the home front!

As for the mission! Elder Kim and I are doing great! I am actually very patient. But if you look in dads preach my gospel under the use time wisely section under weekly planning and then under companionship inventory, we are suppose to help our companions with things they need. But we are seeing so so so many miracles its crazy!!!!!! We have found 15 investigators in the past 3 weeks! We are teaching several families. The baptisms that were planned got moved to the 3rd and one of the other guys we had set for baptism is in jail on the weekends so he can’t get baptized for a while, but we set another kid this week for the 25th so now we have 3 people getting baptized and several more progressing and trying to get there. This next week President Perry is coming to our ward to visit us and to speak in our sacrament meeting! I’m excited but I’m sure the missionaries will get asked to share something and we are teaching the 2nd and the 3rd hr of church that Sunday! And we are doing a fireside for the youth! We are so busy! It’s great though but by the end of this week I won’t probably  have any hair left. 24 investigators and teaching all day Sunday it’s going to be great! What was really cool is President Perry called us and congratulated us on our efforts! It is so cool. But I’m excited for this week! Bring it on!!! But that’s what my life consist of! I hope all is well! I haven’t got the package yet but I haven’t been home yet today to check!
Love you forever like you for always
Love Twark

February 6, 2012

Hey Mom!

Elder Kim and I get along great! The only issue we had is I had a little heart to heart conversation about manners we are good now! He probably thinks I’m a bit ocd but it’s ok! I told him that is how we do it in America! I love sister Shumate! She is so cool. The kids always want me to hold them but I can! Dang mission rules! She has a little red head baby that is fatter that all get out I want to hold that baby! It makes me miss Maddox! Tell Diff she should have another in the oven so that when I get home I can have a 6- 8 month old baby to hold! Idk how she would like that idea! lol

The last few weeks have been great! We have 3 people set for baptism! And we found a couple new families this last week that we will be teaching now! The last few weeks total we have found 10 new investigators and all but two of them were from knocking doors! So I’m really excited! The cool story of the week, me and Elder Kim were finding in a really rich area and we talked to a lady and she was nice and all but she gave us some direction on where we should go! She said we shouldn’t go down the one way cuz no one will want to talk to us down there so we went the way she told us to! Well, a few houses later we decided we needed to go back the way she told us not to! The third house we knocked on where she told us not to the lady that came to the door said “We are so glad you came by! We met with missionaries before we moved and haven’t been able to get back in contact with them!" so we will be teaching a family of 4 Now! Potential Eternal family! My entire reason for serving a mission!!!!! They have lots of family that is LDS and she said they want to know why they are always so happy!!!! It totally made our day! And then we set another guy for baptism on Saturday night! He is really cool! He says Amen a lot and it kind of funny but I like it! Amen!! But that’s what my week consisted of! O my Bishop hasn’t had the greatest week! last Thursday he was driving his 1930 hot rod car that is a 80,000 car and the tie rod broke and he totaled the car :( he drove us around in it the night before, then a few days later one of his rental houses burnt to the ground! It a good thing he has insurance!

It’s ok you are a teacher not a postman cuz if u were a postman u wouldn’t be able to keep me out on the mission! And plus you’re a Mormon so it’s just Mormon standard time!

But it is crazy it your 20th! I bet that makes you feel old! :) I hope not cuz your not! You only have a son that will be 20 in 4 months you daughter will be dating in a year and o ya it your 20th anniversary! Hahaha love you! Have a good week!

Love you forever
Like you for always
Love Twark

Saturday, November 24, 2012

January 30, 2012

SO interesting fact! I stayed in Richmond on Wednesday with ELDER BERRY! He said his dad has talked a lot about my aunt! So that was cool! He is companions with my old companion Elder Hunsaker. I hope Madona stays with it! It will change her life.

 So what’s Jan’s problem? Just think what would Jesus do? But it sounds like a great week! As for the mission it’s going great! I can’t believe I have been out over 6 months! Holy crap time goes by fast! I have been in Yorktown forever now and I will be here another 3 months! I’m a trainer now and I’m kind of nervous about it cuz it’s the most important job in a mission. If the trainer sucks then the trainee will too so I have been upping my game more and more. My new companion is straight out of the MTC and is from Seoul, Korea and there is a little language problem there and it tests my patience but it’s going great! We have seen lots of miracles this last week! We set 2 people for baptism and found 5 new investigators plus I had the craziest night of my mission this last week to! We were in Richmond for the training meeting and we stayed in down town Richmond! Holy crap! GhETTO!!!!!!!!!! People here are freaking funny! And we had dinner with a member had a little bit of a crush on Elder Clark! I wanted to get the h311 out of there! Lol but I’m still alive so it’s ok. And me and my comp get along good! It’s just hard with the language issue. But it’s good.

Have a great week!
Love you forever
Like you for always
Love Twark


Sunday, November 4, 2012

January 23, 2012

Hey dad
your week sounds ........ Exciting! I guess! I hope all goes well at the baptism this weekend! Wish them the best and my love! You’re not old enough to be falling apart! Lol it will all get better it always does! Just take it a little easier. I hope you get it all figured out! It sounds like it’s a major pain in the ... ummm knee! :) I thought that the church pays for my medical expenses out here! My ankle is doing better but I still can’t point my toes all the way, but I don’t have to have my brace anymore. I would talk to someone about the insurance but I don’t know who maybe Sister Perry would know.

Well as for my week so yesterday I found out that I’m staying in Yorktown for 12 more weeks, I'm excited because I will be training a new missionary! I’m kind of nervous cuz it’s the most important stage of a mission. It will either make him the best missionary he can be or it will not. It’s all on my shoulders to make sure he is the best missionary he can be and teach him everything he needs to know so that he can be a good missionary for the rest of his mission. I think I will do fine but it makes me nervous. But that’s the big news of the week. This last week kind of sucked we only taught 3 lessons. No one wanted to meet with us, and we had some really rude people this week more so than usual, and the kid that we had set for baptism doesn't want us to meet with him anymore cuz he doesn’t have time!  Me and elder Sevy we almost to the breaking point and we decided to just pull the car over and read some scriptures. And it’s a good thing we did. we read from Alma 32 I think and it talks about the Book of Mormon prophet Alma and everything he had to go through and when we read that it talked about, maybe things are crappy right now but look at all the good you have done, you’re not wasting time cuz we are changing people’s lives even if we don't know it. So that made our day better and picked us up and we actually ended up with A okay day! There is just such a spirit that comes from the scriptures its crazy!
I finished reading the Doctrine and Covenants today and I will start reading the bible this next week. It’s crazy! I hated reading back home and I still so! But the scriptures have got me sucked in! Who would have ever thought it! The scriptures are powerful and that’s something I have learned on my mission. And it because it’s the word of God. But that’s about it for my week!
Love you dad
love Twark

January 19, 2012

Hey mom
    Yes the shirt I want is in the casual section. It has the lines in it. And it’s not casual it’s fitted! :) I can’t thin of anything else I will need besides the Family history book and the card. If I think of something I will let u know.
    This next week I will find out if I stay or not! I kind of hope I do! We found another kid this last week and he is set for baptism on the 4th of Feb. so that was a nice little miracle. He is only 13 and said he needs more God in his life. His family doesn’t go to church and he wants God to be a part of his life. He lives right by our church so last Sunday he and his friend just decided they were going to come to church! It’s cool to see how people are prepared for the gospel. Transfers are this next week so idk if I will go or not! We find out Sunday!
I hope y’all get some snow!!! Lots of it to!
Hey I was thinking if you put my memory card in your camera, made a video sent it to me I can watch it on my camera! I can’t video but I can get them! Just an idea! It would be cool! Idk what u would video though! We could try it!
    Well mom not much else to share!
   Love you forever
   Like you for always
   Love Twark

   I forgot to tell you I also had to talk in church Sunday! We found that out sat night at about 9:30. It was cool though. We were asked to talk on temples and missionary work! It must have gone well cuz by the end of the talk half the congregation was in tears! I took a pic of our whole family and a pic of the temple and shared how I have an eternal family and that’s why I’m out on a mission. Then related it to missionary work and how that’s where it all starts! It was cool! The spirit was there for sure! And it went for about 15 min! Longest talk ever!

January 9, 2012

Hey Mom,
   FYI I have been and will keep praying for all that. :) I’m glad you liked the pics. Its sounds like y'alls week was full of fun stuff! I was told that grandma stole your sweater and Scotty wore black all day! Got to love our family! You’re not old! You’re just wise :) so the good to hear Grandpa Reynolds is doing better. Had me nervous for a while.
So the guy that played Santa in the pics I sent you died this last week. We went out with him at least once or twice a week. His wife has asked us to be pall bearers at his funeral on Wednesday. So that what my week consisted of this last week we found 2 more investigators and we are planning a huge missionary night for the youth of our ward on the 19th and we are also doing it for the adults on the 22nd during the 3rd hour of church. We created a new ward mission plan that will make missionary work spike in the Yorktown ward. But that’s what my week consisted of.
We also had our interviews with President Perry. Did I ever tell you his is a former 70? Well, he is and he is a man of god! It’s so cool to just sit and talk with him for 20 min. it’s sweet. Well, he told me I will probably be a trainer or a district leader this next transfer so I’m excited for that. I hope I stay in Yorktown for the training we have so many solid potentials that I don’t want to up and leave right in the middle of all this. But if it happens o well he knows what he is doing.
I hope it snows soon!
Love you forever like you for always
love Twark

January 3, 2012

Hey Mom,
     Madona is getting baptized!!!!!! That is great! Out off all dads’ family she was one that I didn’t see making the change! Wow good day good day.
Well I will get a letter sent to her soon but I don’t think I have her address! Can you get that for me??? And I also need Drew Matsen’s address. I want to write him to. Can you send me my Osterhout family history book it’s on my desk on the top shelf and also could you send me my white shirt I got our family pics taken in?
    I wrote tucker, Levi, and Grandpa Reynolds this week but if he is in the hospital can you try to get it to him a read it to him, if things get to serious and they know the outcome call Pres. Perry and he will call me and tell me what I can and can’t do.
    I’m glad you got to talk in church! Sounds like much fun! I’m so glad I have running water and a pot to crap in! I don’t think I could handle that for longer than a few weeks. Elk hunting is like that and by the time that is over I want my bathroom!
    Well, my week has been fairly dull. Not much going on cuz of the holidays and stuff but I’m hoping things will pick up since people only have a year to learn about the truth before the world ends! (jk 2012 world ends do you get it??? jk I think I’m funny sorry.) But we have just been trying to find some more people to teach. Always interesting. But that’s what my life has consisted of this last week. I went to bed early on New Year’s Eve! It was fantastic! We had to be in by 8 so we had some time to just chill and I took full advantage of that! But that’s about all we did. Great fun! We play basketball every Monday for about 4 hrs! I’m getting lots better than when I started! Its kind of fun! I still just want to sleep but I need to burn some of that chub that collecting on my mid section! It’s great.
    I hope you have a fantastic week! I sent you a letter today with something in it! I couldn’t think of anything else to send. Have a fantastic 40th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) You’re not old your still 29 at heart. Send dad and pee wee my love
    Y'all are in my prayers
    Love you forever
    Like you for always
    Love Twark

December 27, 2011

Hey Mom,

It was so great to see you on Sunday! O my lanta it was sweet!

The rest of the day we went to breakfast, church, to a members house and watched Despicable Me, then went to the Ashby’s for dinner and played games and watched Madagascar. It was fun! Then on Monday we played basket ball from like 10- 2 I was so stinking tired! I slept until 5! It was great!

Thanks so much for all the stuff y'all got me! It was great! I love it all! We got so much food from everywhere idk what we are gonna do! I really enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas! It the first thing I did as soon as I woke up every morning!

Elder Sevy is a strong amigo. He lost his grandpa on Christmas Eve and I didn’t see a tear. They all knew it was coming though. So it wasn’t a surprise. He is doing good though.

I can’t think of anything I need at the moment but if I think of something I will let you know!

Thanks again!

Love you forever

Love Twark


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning started bright and early in Idaho I was up at 4:40 a.m. making sure my skype connection was still good and everything was ready for when Cameron called. He called around 5:30 a.m which in Virginia it was 7:30 a.m. There was quite a crowd in the basement Kaitlyn Smyer, Ty and Kenz, Scott & Mindy's family, Grandpa Rod & Grandma Marilyn, the Davis crew and of course Hank, Kambrie & I.

It was soooooo awesome to see Cameron on the big screen, to see him beaming and completely happy. We talked for an hour, mainly we listened to him :D as he shared many rewarding experiences.