Dear Mom, Dad, and Peewee,
Well, idk if you got my letter I sent to grandma. I sent it to her so she could read it cuz you were not home. Well, anyway I will start from the first of the week. When I got cut off from the world they sent me through an assembly line. I got my name tag, papers, picture taken and seriously the crap scared out of me, LOL! But when I got to my classroom I was the first one in the room before my (districts) or classmates started showing up. But when my companion walked into the room it was like I recognized him from somewhere. He doesn't know me and I don't know him but we both recognized each other. It was so cool. But what is even cooler is when 2700 missionaries stand and sing "Come, Come Ye Saints". I seriously started to cry, the spirit was so strong. It is just amazing. But ya I feel the spirit so much here.
We are already teaching real investigators! Ya, I about p**ped my pants when found that out. We had our first one yesterday and have another one tomorrow. I 'm starting to not stress as much because the spirit does most of the teaching.
Some of the bad things about the MTC, the food for the first few days was an internal disaster! Its great food I just don't know what they put in it. The lunchroom is so huge, its unreal!
I ordered some pics so as soon as I get them I will send them to you. But to answer some of your questions food is good, companions are great and I am doing well. It is seriously an emotional roller coaster. You will feel really good after teaching a lesson then you go to class for four hours and then you feel like crap and wonder what your doing here. Before and after we always sing a hymn and it makes all those feelings go away. I just want to say I know why I am here and its to serve the Lord. I use to think it was so I could see another part of the world but I know now the real reason I am here and it's to spread the gospel and to invite others to come unto Christ.
What I have heard up here that means the most to me is "It's not who you aren't, it is who you are and being yourself is being great." I love that quote. We heard it from Steven Allen, he came and spoke to us on Sunday & I am still on a spiritual high from that fireside. I just want you to listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and times it by 1,000 or 2,000. Just imagine 2700 Elders and Sisters singing. It's just unreal. I know dad & I have felt the spirit when we go to Priesthood but this is unreal. I'm trying to get my companions to do the choir but no luck yet.
I know the power of prayer and that missionary work has a purpose. I know that this church is true and from being in the MTC where there are 2,700 missionaries and they are all on a schedule. Everything flows great, that there has to be a true church and that this church is the true church. There was another quote I heard "You have to be your first convert". I feel I have truly converted, I love this gospel and everything in it. This mission is going to be the most wonderful awful thing in my life. I know it's going to be hard but worth it.
I love you guys so much and don't be afraid to send pics or letters they are definitely the highlights. Well, anyways. Love you forever, like you for always as long as I'm living my family you'll be. (p.s. mom you might want to fill them in on that book).
Elder Cameron James Clark
Sunday, July 31, 2011
July 22, 2011
Dear Grandma & Grandpa,
Since my parents are out of town you should call them and read this to them & share it with the rest of the family too. When I first got to the MTC they sent me through a line of people and each person gave me something. Such as a name tag, MTC food card, and all the other good stuff. But it was a shock. I took my bags up to my room and went to class. They don't hesitate with dropping you into your classes.
I was the first one in my class. I was sitting there visiting with my teacher and an Elder walked in and I recognized him from somewhere. I have never met him before so I asked his name and he said Elder Harrison. He was my companion, we got to talking and neither one of us has ever met before but we both felt like we had. I know we have met it may not have been in this life but I know we are meant to be companions. We get along great and I also have another companion Elder Nelson. He went to school with Shayla Madsen. We are one of the only threesomes in the whole MTC. I know I am supposed to be here. I can feel the spirit when anywhere I go.
The food is okay, it's not as good as Alaska, but the living conditions are much better. There is always cold water in the morning no matter how early you get up. But it wakes you up. We are doing something all the time. We go to class 16 hours a day. O mylanta I have ADHD. It about kills me but I will live. It hasnt' hit me that I'm away from home yet but I'm sure it will and you will know when because it will be a juicy letter. LOL! But all is well and I am doing good.
I was made Senior Companion today so it's even better. But I know I am doing the right thing I can feel it in my feel goods. I know this church is true. Once you come in the doors of the MTC there is no way you could deny it. 2500 missionaries all in white, its like no other when all the elders and sisters sing it brings tears to my eyes. I love you guys, I could not have asked for a better family. I love you & miss you.
Since my parents are out of town you should call them and read this to them & share it with the rest of the family too. When I first got to the MTC they sent me through a line of people and each person gave me something. Such as a name tag, MTC food card, and all the other good stuff. But it was a shock. I took my bags up to my room and went to class. They don't hesitate with dropping you into your classes.
I was the first one in my class. I was sitting there visiting with my teacher and an Elder walked in and I recognized him from somewhere. I have never met him before so I asked his name and he said Elder Harrison. He was my companion, we got to talking and neither one of us has ever met before but we both felt like we had. I know we have met it may not have been in this life but I know we are meant to be companions. We get along great and I also have another companion Elder Nelson. He went to school with Shayla Madsen. We are one of the only threesomes in the whole MTC. I know I am supposed to be here. I can feel the spirit when anywhere I go.
The food is okay, it's not as good as Alaska, but the living conditions are much better. There is always cold water in the morning no matter how early you get up. But it wakes you up. We are doing something all the time. We go to class 16 hours a day. O mylanta I have ADHD. It about kills me but I will live. It hasnt' hit me that I'm away from home yet but I'm sure it will and you will know when because it will be a juicy letter. LOL! But all is well and I am doing good.
I was made Senior Companion today so it's even better. But I know I am doing the right thing I can feel it in my feel goods. I know this church is true. Once you come in the doors of the MTC there is no way you could deny it. 2500 missionaries all in white, its like no other when all the elders and sisters sing it brings tears to my eyes. I love you guys, I could not have asked for a better family. I love you & miss you.
Yellow Horse/Elder Clark
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I did not sleep well last night; I was up late and completely nauseated thinking about the next two years. We got up early to get left for the MTC, our goal was 8:00 a.m. Cameron made one last trip to see Grandma Marilyn & Grandpa Rod before he left. Before we left Hank gave him a father’s blessing, he did a great job and it did offer comfort to me. I am sure it comforted Cameron as well.
We had a nice trip to Utah. We reached Provo and stopped for one last meal with Cameron. He wanted to eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken, so Kentucky Fried Chicken it was. We stopped before we entered the MTC to take a few pictures and get our goodbyes out. (We had been told we would be rushed to get in and out of the MTC) As we pulled up to the stoplight Cameron said he suddenly got nervous. We followed the directors as they waved us through the parking lot. We got out and helped him with his bags, there were several missionaries out on the sidewalk to meet him and escort him in. I gave him one last hug, I didn’t want to let go. I know what he is doing is the right thing and he will benefit soooo much from serving the Lord. I just worry. Will he have everything he needs; does he know how much I love him? I sobbed as we pulled out of the parking lot, just as we were pulling out Grandpa Rod called to talk to him one more time. I felt so bad he had missed him. Cameron on the other hand was happy to be there and excited to start this new adventure in his life.
I know he will be a great missionary and will enjoy serving the people of Virginia. Hank has had very strong feelings that someone in Virginia is specifically waiting for Cameron, I believe so too.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
July 19, 2011
Well, lets just say this week went by a lot faster than I had wanted it to. Cameron enters the MTC tomorrow and has spent the last week playing hard. Wednesday night he pulled an all nighter waiting for Harry Potter Tickets, Thursday night he hit the midnight showing of Harry Potter, then Friday morning he played real hard at Lagoon. Saturday was spent recovering. Sunday after church the family got together for dinner over at mom's to celebrate Mindy's birthday. The final hoorah was playing on the river on Monday night. Tuesday night he was set a part an Elder by President Harper. I know he will be a wonderful missionary and will love it.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sunday, July 10th
I watched Cameron while Kenz was singing I could tell he was moved. I also noticed that all through the meeting he had a different glow about him. I could see him as an eager young man ready to embark on a new and exciting adventure. He spoke on Peer Pressure and how it can be used to influence you for good and for bad.
Peers influence your life even if you don't realize it. It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group. It is tough to be the only one who says "no" to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something you know is wrong.
It can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who is willing to say no. This takes a lot of the power out of peer pressure and makes it much easier to resist. It's great to have friends with values similar to yours who will back you up when you don't want to do something that is not right.
You've probably had a parent or teacher advice you to "choose your friends wisely." Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this, and then you probably won't be as likely to be led astray. Hang with people who feel the same way you do. Choose friends who will speak up with you when you're in need of moral support, and be quick to speak up for a friend in the same way. If you're hearing that little voice telling you a situation's not right, chances are others hear it, too. Just having one other person stand with you against peer pressure makes it much easier for both people to resist.
Even if you're faced with peer pressure while you're alone, there are still things you can do. You can simply stay away from peers who pressure you to do stuff you know is wrong. You can tell them "no" and walk away. Better yet, find other friends.
Peer pressure is not always a bad thing. For example, positive peer pressure can be used to pressure bullies into acting better toward other kids. If enough kids get together, peers can pressure each other into doing what's right.
I know in my life I have had numerous good friends who have influenced me for good. Most of them are here today. From being out on the football field or sitting at the dairy queen drive through my friends have influenced me more than they know.
As you become more independent, your peers naturally play a greater role in your life. As school and other activities take you away from home, you may spend more time with peers than you do with your parents and siblings. You'll probably develop close friendships with some of your peers, and you may feel so connected to them that they are like an extended family.
Besides close friends, your peers include other kids you know who are the same age, like people in your grade, church, sports team, or community. These peers also influence you by the way they dress and act, things they're involved in, and the attitudes they show.
It's natural for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they wish to be (or think they should be), or what they want to achieve. People are influenced by peers because they want to fit in, be like the people they admire, do what others are doing, or have what others have.
You already know that the teen years can be tough. You're figuring out who you are, what you believe, what you're good at, what your responsibilities are, and what your place in the world is going to be.
Nearly everyone ends up in a sticky situation at some point. No matter how wisely you choose your friends, or how well you think you know them, sooner or later you'll have to make decisions that are difficult and could be unpopular. It may be something as simple as resisting the pressure to spend your hard-earned money on the latest MP3 player that "everybody" has. Or it may mean deciding to take a stand that makes you look uncool to your group.
But these situations can be an opportunity to figure out what is right for you. There's no magic to standing up to peer pressure, but it does take courage Listen to your gut. If you feel uncomfortable, even if your friends seem to be OK with what's going on, it means that something about the situation is wrong for you. This kind of decision-making is part of becoming self-reliant and learning more about who you are.
It's not always easy to resist negative peer pressure, but when you do, it is easy to feel good about it afterwards. And you may even be a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way. Most of the time it just takes one person to speak out or take a different action to change a situation. Your friends may follow if you have the courage to do something different or refuse to go along with the group. Consider yourself a leader, and know that you have the potential to make a difference
One of the hardest things to recognize is how truly strong you are and how others silently respect you. You don’t need to compromise your standards to be accepted by friends. The more obedient you are, the more you stand for true principles, the more the Lord can help you overcome temptation. You can also help others because they will feel your strength. Let them know about your standards by consistently living them.
Now my next mission is in Richmond Virginia. I’m going to be going from a town with a population of 350 to a city over 200,000 people. It’s going to be a change and a challenge for me but I’m up for it. Richmond will be a great place to serve not only because of the different cultures but also because of all of the history that there is back there. My mission will be a biking and a car mission. Let’s hope there is more car and less bike. Also there are a few kids from the area already serving in Richmond. Over spring break of my senior year I had the opportunity to go back to the coast and we went to Virginia and I’m more than excited to go back.
The rest of the meeting was very touching as Brother Kidd shared his testimony and Dad had been asked to share his. I know Cameron was very touched in hearing his grandfather's testimony as were the rest of us. I don't know how to put into words the spirit I felt throughout the meeting or to explain the glow that surrounded my son as he sat on the stand. All I could think was, he is no longer a little boy he is a courageous young man.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
June 30, 2010
It was another whirlwind of events as we prepare Cameron to go on his mission. Grandma Marilyn had been in Boise all week long watching little Maddox and then rushed home to go through the temple with Cameron. Cameron had left his endowment paper on the bed at home on our way down, luckily I asked before we passed the last Burley exit. Mindy was home and was able to meet us at the interstate with it so we could get to Twin on time.
I did some initiatory work while Cameron and Hank completed Cameron's work. There were several family members and friends in attendance. It was a whole different experience being there with Cameron. It was a very special session and I enjoyed meeting up with all of them in the Celestial room.
I changed back into my church clothes and was down in the waiting area waiting for Hank and Cameron when I noticed a tall man that looked like Cameron's boss, Cleve, packing a vacuum cleaner around. He looked like he was waiting for someone so I asked him if he was waiting for someone in particular. He said he was looking for Cameron. I introduced myself and found out that he had tried to get into the 7 o'clock session but it was full. It wasn't too long when Cameron came walking down the stairs and saw Cleve they chatted for a few minutes and introduced him to his dad and Grandpa Rod. We then took off for a very late dinner, we went to Applebee's with Mom & Dad, Ty & Heather, Ron & RaNelle, Mike & Brenda. It was a very memorable evening.
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