Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 19, 2011

My week wasn’t too shabby but not that great either! It was a lot like your one day you had! We had many teaching appointments set up but cancelled on us the holidays are the worst because no one wants to talk to us because they are all too busy. On Saturday we had 4 appointments set up. And we drove to all of them and not a single person was home! I was so mad grr they wasted our whole day and plus it was cold and we biked all over the dang place! But ya it makes me angry to. Lol
FIX that TREE don’t let it get the best of ya.
I can call b4 you go to work because we are 2 hrs a head of you so it’s normal for me but early for the rest of the family. But o well it might be our only time. So Sunday morning at like 7:30 my time so like
5:30 your time??? Idk I will figure it out or maybe even Christmas Eve? Idk I will talk to mom about it she is chatting with me on the email so I will talk to you on Sunday
Love Twark
So guess what! I finished the Book of Mormon today! First time all the way through without jumping around all my myself! We read it all the way as a family but I can actually understand it now! It’s fantastic! There is a talk by Elder Holland that I love and y'all will to! It’s on and go to conference talks and it’s called "safety for the soul" and how he talks about the book of Mormon is exactly how I feel!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 12, 2011

Hey mom!
I’m doing great and I’m staying in Yorktown!!!!!!!!!!!

I just sent that first part so you could breath! He he
I will still be with Elder Sevy. We have work yet to do in Yorktown! It will be a good time and I love the ward and was going be bummed if I had to move right b4 Christmas. But all is well here. I can’t think of anything I need! But if I do I will let you know! I have some pics I want to send you when I get my other memory card back! It lots cheaper than printing them out then sending them.
All is well in Yorktown! We have a few people set for baptism and I’m glad I will get to be here for that! We also found a few really solid investigators this last week! I’m so stoked to teach them. Sister Shumate let me watch that video you sent me so I could actually hear it! It was fantastic! Thanks so much!
Sounds like peewee was in a coma!! What a dork! Lol hahaha Kambrie is lost! Hahaha love her!
I’m glad things have kind of slowed down for you! Thanks so much for the stuff! I will be looking for it!
Isn’t that crazy about the Preach my Gospel! Who would have thunk it! NOT ME! Lol
Thanks Mom you’re the best!
Love you forever like you for always
Love Twark

December 5, 2011

Hey Family! I got the package! It had lots of "g's" in it! Thank you! My iPod! Under armor, socks, hat, and gloves. Did you forget the jump drive or sending it at a different time? Transfer calls are Sunday so I will find out if I stay or go on Sunday but transfers are on Thursday the 15th. Idk about the calls on Christmas yet I will talk to the zone leaders today.
I do have a few people I would like to get something for. Our ward is doing stuff for people and I’m chosen to get something for a teen age boy so I will be getting that today! I’m thinking just a gift card for like $20. But idk yet. I would like to give a couple books! But more like 5 of them. I have to recent converts I would like to give them to, my bishop, Calls, and the mission president! I love that 3 trees book! That would be perfect!
Sounds like Idaho is great! Nice and cold o’ and you can’t forget about the wind! I’m glad u still got more than one tree! I have taught you something!!! He he jk. Sounds fun! We have a member that is going give us a tree.
Anyways a cool story for you,
Hmmmmm I have some not too many though. The most recent was Thanksgiving Day! We had a super powerful lesson with our investigator Judy (the older lady) on Tuesday! We asked her to be baptized for the 10th time! She said she didn’t know she will think about it! We promised her how happy she would be and all that jazz and had a fantastic lesson, well on Thursday night I had the impression I needed to call her before we went to bed to see how she was doing and how her Thanksgiving was, we talked for a few minutes about the day and at the very end of the conversation she said, “Oh and by the way I have decided I want to be baptized on Dec 3rd" I jumped off the bed and she was calm as could be!!! It was so cool the spirit works in weird ways! But I like it!

Another experience
I and Elder Sevy were riding our bikes going to see and inactive member. We had no intentions at stopping at anyone’s house along the way! Well we were riding by this house that had a bunch of stuff lying out on the street. It was old carpet pad, carpet, trim; it looked like they had done a remodel in the house or something! Well you know me it caught my eye! I turned around and told Elder Sevy we needed to knock this door! So we did! A kid probably 23 years old answered the door, we told him who we are and what we do! We told him as missionaries we go around and help people answer the questions of the soul, such as: where did we come from, what the purpose of life, and where do we go after this life? We had never seen this kid before and had no idea of his situation. He had just had a recent death in the family that’s why he was even home. Normally he is at school down in Norfolk. He invited us in and we taught him the entire plan of salvation. Last I knew he was meeting with missionaries in Norfolk from the singles ward. What if I didn’t follow the spirit and knock that house! He would probably still have no knowledge to what happens after we die. If you think about it the LDS church is the only church who knows the plan of salvation and that our families can truly be together forever. Just a FYI his name was Marcello, and he was the one that did the remodel for his parents! We had an instant connection! I just wish we could get to teach him! He is a great guy.

My week was sweet! I went to Richmond for most of it! I had leadership training down there and I had lots of fun and learned a lot! It was cool! But Saturday was the best! We had a baptism! It was one of my favorite baptisms so far!  It was really spiritual! It makes it all worth it! I have a card that is called My Missionary Commission" Diffy gave it to be b4 I left on my mission but the meaning of it didn’t really hit me until last week when I was in Richmond listing to President Perry speak.
My Missionary Commission
I Am Called Of God.
    My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the lord Jesus Christ. He is my master and he has chosen me to represent him. To stand in his place, to say and do what he himself would say and do if he personally were ministering to the very people to whom he has sent me. My voice is his voice, and my acts are his acts; my words are his words and my doctrine is his doctrine. My commission is to do what he wants done. To say what he wants said. To be a living modern witness in word and deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous latter-day work.
                        Elder Bruce R. McConkie
Just with this week and with the baptism and when I read this it makes this whole mission thing worth it!!!!!!!! Judy’s baptism when great! It was the most spiritual baptism so far and it was truly a great day and week.

Love y all forever Like y all for always
For all eternity my family you will be!
Love Cameron

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011

Someone must have been bored
Always catchin' critters
           Road named Whitt
Changing Seasons
Old Battlefield

November 28, 2011

Hey mom!
Dad already made me cry when I read his letter about the prayer!!! And hear come the tears again! Goodness! I love y'all so much! But my Thanksgiving was good! Sister Archibald fed us right good! I was fat and happy! Kinda I couldn't move for 3 hrs! Lol she was so funny! She told us after we ate that if we needed to belch, fart undo our pants or do anything we needed to make us feel at home! I just grabbed a pillow and layed on the floor! It was great! Elder Sevy didn't even move from the table he was so full! It was so funny! But we had a good time! The Turkey bowl was fun! No one got hurt! That’s a plus! Normally a bunch of older guys get together and some one is bound to get hurt but no one did! It was fun!
Tell everyone Yellow Horse says hi! Lol Buck he is a funny guy! I can totally see Durf and Dallin keeping it short! Poor bishop!
Thanks so much for sending that stuff!
One more thing that I would like is my Osterhout Family history book! Our mission and one other mission in California are doing a pilot program for all the missionaries in the world! And it is called finding through family history! I think that book would help with it. And one thing that I can’t do is I want to find out my priesthood history! We can trace it clear back to Christ! I just don't have the resources to do that. I think you can ask the ward clerk and it’s on file. It would be so cool.
But this week was a good week! We set that older lady for baptism! She will get baptized on the 3rd so on Saturday!!!! She is such a sweet heart! And also this week I will be in Richmond! I will be there Monday to Friday for leadership training! It will be fun! But that’s the exciting news for the week. We are going fishing with a member today in the ocean! It will be fun!
I'm glad your Holiday was good! Mine was as well! Thanks So much for the PIE!!!!!! It’s great! You’re the best! <3 take care
Love you forever like you for Always
For all eternity my mother you will be!
Love Cameron

November 21, 2011

Hello Mom!
I was looking in the mail all week for that package! lol.  I was wondering if it got lost! But yes I forgive you lol! We had dinner at the Call’s last Sunday! She is so funny! And yes we have been fed very well! I’m still getting chunky! But its OK it’s not too bad I can still see ripples of my once flourishing 6 pack! Lol it’s kinda got a layer of soft stuff over it now but it won’t be hard to take off! I just need to start running in the mornings! Hahah idk how that will work out! And no need to worry. We are going to a member’s house for dinner and she is said to be one of the best cooks in the ward! We were fed by members every night in the month of November! We haven’t had to cook anything!  It is very nice on the grocery bill. December is already starting to get filled up so that’s good!
This week nothing happened! It’s just been slow and we have been raking lots of leaves! Lots of fun! NOT! Too many freaking trees!
Well there are somethings I do need. One thing that you might be able to find on Friday is a GPS, like one that is for in cars, I don’t care what brand just a cool looking one that won’t break in the first month! Every missionary needs to have one cuz its impossible to navigate with out it in Virginia! That’s something Sister Perry has suggested as a good gift from home! Elder Sevy got one From K-Mart that works really well. It wasn't very much and the Brand starts with a M, It Might Be Magellan but I'm not sure, The reason i haven't needed on thus far is cuz i have been lucky and all my comps have had one but idk Elder Sevy thinks he is going to be transferred so i might need it before Christmas. Transfers are on the 15th.
Some other stuff that I need is my snowmobile longjohns! They are in my Snowmobile bag that I think is under my bed! If they aren't in there ask pee wee! She has a tendency to steal them they are under armor pants but they aren't tights. I would also some of my wool socks, some more stamps, White under armor. I think i have some in my closet, and Black gloves and hat. Its starting to get cold fast! But no snow just freezing air cuz of all the humidity! So if that could be speedily sen that would be sweet!
Well mom my is out of time!
I hope you have a good holiday! Don't worry about me i will be in good hands! And I never go hungry!  I will try to send my Memory card home so you can get all the pics off it and see them and as soon as I get one back I will send the other.
Love you mom!
Love you forever, like you for always
Love Twark!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011

Hello family!
This last week we had Zone meeting! It was sweet! And I got to meet Elder Beck! I know that kid! I hope we will be comps some time! He is really cool! We talk every time we see each other! He told me Taylor Bowers got married! I was like wow she didn’t wait long! His bishop is Sager! Lol small small world! Then Sister Call! She is from Rupert! That’s so cool! We have lots of fun! Not much has gone on this last week. Just teaching! We dropped more than half of our investigators because they weren't progressing. So we are teaching about 10 people now and are looking for more. We got a clean start.
So why did dad have to run Jade off?
I heard about the missionaries in Texas. That’s so sad and I had no idea that it was a close hit to home!
My ankle is fine I just wear an air brace every other day or so. It just depends on what I’m doing that day. I can walk on it fine but when it gets in to certain positions it about makes me pee my pants. But it’s all taken care of. But that’s my week. Not too much this week.

Y'alls week sounds like it was fun! Only Dan would think of that! I would love that kind of meeting! My favorite hymn now is “Be Still My Soul" now every time you will hear it you will cry! Hehehe love ya. So are you still looking for another car/SUV?
And Pee Wee it doesn’t sound like you have changed much! Or especially changed the channel.hehehe what day is the 4th of July????? Hehe love you pee wee
Drew J Matsen is getting dunked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have tried to share the gospel with that kid for years! He just needed a woman to do it for him I guess! Kind of like dad :) But that’s so exciting! Wow

We do ride our bikes lots but I’m all lit up! I got back lights and front lights! We don’t ride on major roads at night though. Just in the neighborhoods. So we will be ok. I can’t think of anything else I might need, o wait! Can you send my Electric Razor with the charger please! My face does not like being shaved every day so I wasn’t to switch it up a little. Can you believe that in 7 day I will have been out 4 months! Holy moly it’s going by fast! But I’m not complaining. Well I hope all is well on the home front. I love yell lots!
Love y’all For Ever
Like Y’all For Always!
P.S. Do Y’all like how I’m working on my akcent??? Or how ever you spell it? Hehehe

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 12, 2011

I received an unexpected phone call on Saturday. I saw on my cell phone a number from Virginia, my heart jumped. I answered to find a very kind and sweet voice on the other end asking if I was Sister Clark. I was nervous thinking something had happened to Cameron. The lady told me she was Sister Call and that she had the opportunity to feed the missionaries, one was my son. She told me he was doing well. We continued to talk and she related to me their conversation. Her and her husband had asked the missionaries where they were from. Cameron told her he was from Southern Idaho. They were more curious as to precise location. He didn't think they would know where Burley or Rupert were. He told them he was from the Burley area. Turns out Sister Call graduated from Minico High School with Cameron's 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hepworth. He was excited  to have a connection back home. He told them he was actually from Declo. They asked him why he didn't just say he was from Declo, he replied because nobody knows where Declo is. LOL! It was great to talk to her. Thank you so much for calling Sister Call, it made this mama's day. Thank for taking care of my boy. :D

November 7, 2011

Hey mom.

I’m glad you got the package!!! The nuts are kind of dumb but I thought what the heck I will see if she wants to try it. I have yet to try it. Me and Elder Sevy Get along fairly well. He is a lot like Jacob Turner. He is a really obedient missionary so that is good. I can see the blessings that come from being obedient.

My week was good. The old lady isn’t baptized yet but she is coming to church and she loves it so it won’t be to long before we get to baptize her! I went to the Dr on Thursday to find out what was wrong with my kankle and they took x rays couldn’t see anything broken but its sprang and has some torn ligaments so they gave me a better brace and told me they were going to send in my x rays to be looked at closer. They said there might be some hairline fractures. Hope Not! But I can walk on it fine I just can’t twist it at all or I might just pee me pants! LOL!  But it’s a ways from the heart I will live. lol we did set one of our other investigators for baptism her name is Robin. She will be baptized on Dec 24th. idk if I will still be here then but I hope so. She is a cool lady. We have been teaching her for quite a while and now it has paid off. But not much else has happened this week. Oh we reactivated a less active member to! He hasn’t been to church in a few years and we got him to come! It was exciting! But not much else has happened. 
That too bad about the Nellie! And did you know every time I hear the song "I love to see the temple" I think of me and pee wee singing it on the way to the temple! It was a good van but she wasn’t going to last forever. It will be ok. Just think of that new Dodge Journey :) it will be much better!
I did get Kambries letter! I think! I got probably 15 letters in the past 2 weeks! So idk if I did for sho. But that’s all I’m doing today is writing letters so it will be in the mail tomorrow.
Tell the CS clan I’m doing good and hi. I miss the CS lol
Well Mom Thanks so much for all that you do for me :) you’re the best. And if you can’t find the CD just send me the iPod then if you find the CD I can just put it in the CD player. Thanks so much for the pants! I was more mad about my pants getting ripped then I was about my sprained ankle or my cut knee! Grr I was mad! lol. O and we get fed lots we have dinner appointments ever day this next week! So I’m excited.  Thanks again!
Love you forever

November 4, 2011

Hi again,

I almost forgot to ask can I get some long garments. It’s starting to cool off and church pants are a little drafty. I would greatly appreciate it! I don’t have much chub on me to keep me insulated.
Thanks again so much for sending all the stuff. However, next time I would rather have more healthy stuff. The jerky is great and so are the seeds and granola bars, but I have gained 20 lbs and it’s because I don’t eat very healthy. Elder Sevy and I are going on a diet/ better eating streak! IDK how long it will last but it’s worth a try. I would love like trail mix and granola bars from the Little Debbie’s man. LOL! Future reference some candy is good but not too much please J. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but I want to be able to fit into my sexy pants when I get home J.  Oh, I have been thinking y’all should start stashing away some $$$$ so when my mission is done you guys can come pick me up and I will give you a tour of my mission, we could go to D.C., Nauvoo, and Palmyra and hit all those sweet sites that are all over back here. Just an Idea. Lots of missionaries have their parents do it. Just think about it.
Thanks, Love you,

P.S. Kambrie how is your new boyfriend? JK No, really how is he? LOL!!

So the nuts (acorn seeds) are for your classroom kids and also for your young women. You could show the young women the Restoration video and the seed that falls at the first of the video is the seed that gets planted. So, I got some seeds to plant! However, they have already started to grow. I also thought it would be fun for your science class.

The D & C DVD’s are sweet. Y’all should watch them as a family the best one is Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration. There is a newer one online but this is cool too. It’s kind of just a longer version of the Restoration DVD. You could show that to the young women too. The good prophet of the Restoration is on disc 3.
The pics are of fun and cool things on my mission, some of them have things on the back but I was out of time to do anymore and it’s past my bedtime as it is. So I will ttyl.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 31, 2011

Hey mommy lol
Its ok you didn’t call I forgot all about the call anyway and you’re probably right! President is so cool and I want him to stay that way. Thanks so much for all the stuff you sent! I love it! And I was really glad to see you had sent something to Elder Sevy! He hadn’t got anything all week! And I got about 10 letters and a couple packages!  But this week was great! And it sounds like yours is to! I’m sending a package home to y’all today with pics in it.
Well so you know how the last few weeks sucked! Well it paid off! The couple that decided not to get baptized called us Monday night and said they want to get interviewed for baptism and we baptized them Saturday!!! It was so sweet! The spirit was so strong there it was crazy! I’m going to send a bunch of pics home this week so you will have to check them out! I got to confirm one of them and holy crap I’m not old enough to do that stuff! But tit was so funny. The guy that I confirmed has a brain problems from a car wreck a few years ago so after he received the Holy Ghost he did the Rocky Balboa dance down the aisle. It was funny!
We have also been teaching this sweet older lady that says she wants to call our mom and tell her how good of a job raising her boy she did! So look forward to a letter or a call from Judy Grandy. I think and she will get baptized within the next month I think! She loves the gospel! But thinks are going great and I’m going to be in Yorktown for another 6 weeks! We have several other people we are teaching as well.  And I’m excited. I rolled my ankle last Tuesday and it’s still swollen up! We were running and it was pitch black and I hit the edge of the road and went man down! Ripped my pants and I think it might be a minor sprain on my ankle cuz normally when I roll it, it only hurts for a day and it’s been a week and it still hurts! But it’s a ways from the heart and I will live! I might go get a brace for it.
Well mommy thanks again! You’re the best!
Love you forever like you for always,
Love Twark

Sounds like the Elk hunt was a lot of fun! Its sounds like a good area. I’m glad y'all got something this year! We will have to give it a try when I get home! I have a few people that want to come with us when we get back. It’s my bishop of the ward I’m in now and another member that feeds us all the time they are really cool. So they said when I get home to expect a call! So that could be fun!
Things are going great and I’m going to be in Yorktown for another 6 weeks! And I’m excited. We have 450 miles we get in our car the rest is on bike. We got soaked from the storm but we lived. I rolled my ankle last Tuesday and it’s still swollen up! We were running and it was pitch black and I hit the edge of the road and went man down! Ripped my pants and I think it might be a minor sprain on my ankle cuz normally when I roll it, it only hurts for a day and it’s been a week and it still hurts! But it’s a ways from the heart and I will live! Well pops! Have a good week! How has the Preach my Gospel reading been going? Love ya lots
Love Twark

October 24, 2011

Hey Mom,
Things have been much better this last week. We were kind of getting burnt out with everything that had been going on but we are doing well now! I wish I was there to clean your house for you! I actually kind of liked it some days. But hopefully it gets under control for ya.
I watched the links you sent me! And all I can say is my sister is cool! Ha-ha and she knows that but just tell her I said that! I’m looking forward to a letter from her but I know she is really busy. You should send me some of her new fall pics! And I just want my denim blanket. I should stay nice and toasty with that! Transfer calls are next week so I will find out if I stay or not. I kind of hope I do I like it here. But I can’t think of anything I need besides that and my iPod. But I wouldn’t send anything if it won’t be able to make it here by next Tuesday or Wednesday day because I may be gone.
Well, I have been looking at some cars/ SUVs. Dodge Nitro, Dodge Journey, Chevy Equinox, Chevy Cruise, ps that’s the new one I want!, GMC Terrain. That is all I have seen that are cool. The Dodge Durango isn’t that cool I don’t think but idk I haven’t seen the inside of any of any of these cars I only see them on the road.
I’m going to send you some acorns. Like off the tree! You should have your kids plant them for science or something. Also I was thinking you should watch the restoration video and have you young women related it to planting the gospel seed. Lots of the ones I have are already sprouting so they should grow in to a big tree if cared for I want one at our house just out back where it won’t get on the yard!
Not much else is new. Remind Grandma Joyce she can call me if she wants and yall should go over and you could listen and I could hear you! Like a family conversation! If you do call at about 9-9:30 my time that’s when my day is over. But if something serious ever comes up call President Perry and then he will call me or you can just call me first it don’t matter but I could be moved so I wouldn’t have the same number. So I’m hinting at call me with the whole family like next Sunday at my 9:30 lol.
Thanks so much mom for everything you do. You’re the best! If you need anything let me know. I will do my best to do it for ya.
Love you forever like you for always
Love Twark

Hey Dad,

This week has been mucho better our numbers are still down a little but we are getting some more solid investigators. Not much else has changed the trees are just starting to change not too much though. I’m excited for when they do. My companion is doing fine.
But you hunting stories are sweet! I love telling people where I’m from cuz what’s not to love about Idaho! You can do all that stuff there. But anyways you got a deer and pee wee did to! I can just imagine her just saying "I didn’t want it to get away" I probably would have died laughing so hard! Ha-ha I bet grandpa was shocked to lol. It sounds like lots of fun! And your deer sounds like our hunt we had up there a few times! We can never find the dang deer. I’m looking forward to hearing about you elk hunting stories.  O and for scripture study ideas put the book of Mormon on that table I made you and leave the open! It makes it a reminder to everyone to read them.
Anyways not much else going on. Thanks for the update.
Love Twark

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 17, 2011

OK that was weird i just read the " after this week you will have been out three months! " it about made me cry!! O well. I'm doing good. This last week has been hard though. My companion got a call from home telling him that his best friend that is also his cousin had got in a car wreck and was killed. So Tuesday morning our mission president told us to take part of the day off. After that we our investigators that were supposed to get baptized on Saturday had a bunch of stuff come up in there marriage so they canceled the baptism and we still haven't got to meet with them. They have lots of stuff going on. so that was a big let down and then like all the people we have been teaching either weren't home or couldn't meet with us this week so it was a long long week. But we had lots of prayers and we got through it. Let’s hope this coming week things go better. We always see lots of weird people! It’s never ending! This week’s sight was a transvestite sitting at a bus stop! It was weird! He was dressed up like a girl with make up and crap but hadn't shaved in a few days lol. It was gross! 
Ya i haven't got my flash drive so idk where it is. Did you put it in the box of stuff you sent me?
Sounds like a good week back at home! You never told me you were in young women's! That will be fun! So who all is in our ward?
Sounds like the goober is extra cute! I loved the pics from his b day. But with the homeless guy it’s hard to tell if he is trying to help him self. He is looking for a job and coming to church. I want to help him so bad but idk how. We get lots of people asking for help! People think just cuz we dress all fancy we are loaded! Not so much the case. But we do what we can.
So the wreck in 81 doesn't sound too good! There are lots of them right there. Let me know what goes down with everything! I have driven by the Battle Fields a couple times but we haven't stopped yet. I will for sure some day.
So i have been thinking. I should try to register as a Native American! Members in the ward have been telling me I should cuz you don't have to have much blood in you to register. So if you could maybe just put that on your list of honey dos I have for you that would be greatly appreciated. I could get some of my schooling paid for. Its worth looking in to. But ya just when your not busy! Lol hahaha love ya mom. I feel so helpless.
O Also when i was in Charlottesville I met a member there who served part of his mission in Declo Idaho!!! He said he knew you but I can’t remember his name. Did dad have missionaries teach him? Who were they?
But ya not much going on here just working, praying and eating! lol that's about all we can do lol. I will send some pics of the place we went to today. It’s in Norfolk. You should go online and look at the bride going from Yorktown to Norfolk. It’s so cool! It goes under the Ocean how cool is that! Elder Sevy had to so to a dentist down there. It was a nice little road trip.
Well mom have a good week! Hopefully things slow down for ya.
Love you forever
Like you for always
Love twark

October 10, 2011

Not much new stuff has been going on this last week. We are having a couple baptisms this weekend! I'm excited it is a really nice couple. We go and teach them every day so they can be ready. Yesterday in church the girl gave her testimony!!! It was so cool! It’s cool to see how you can help people gain that testimony that’s what makes it all worth it. But other than that just working like crazy. We are going to go bowling today so that should be fun. Last Monday we went to a tumbling gym and played dodge ball with about 20 other missionaries. That was fun. But holy cow I'm out of shape. Lol we have a car but we only get to drive 450 mile a month so we are mostly on a bike. My legs are getting fairly solid biking all over heck and gone. But it was a good week. 
O while i was at the mtc they recorded us singing during one of the firesides! I was way in the back though but yet I'm still in there. I got Kaitlyn's letters! I was way excited to see those i had thought she forgot about me lol. But ya they got it to me.

They give us 145 each month but i had to get bunch of stuff for my bike this week so that’s what I spent money on at Walmart and I had to buy hair gel! For now in I think I will have you get it from Char and send it to me, it only cost an arm and a leg. We have a washer and dryer in my apt so we don't have to pay! It is very nice. When we don't eat out and I don't have to buy stuff I can fairly easily stay with in the 145. Things just seem to be coming up. All the missionaries say it’s like that for a while until you have accumulated everything you actually need to be a missionary that they don't tell you about before hand. I'm excited to see the poster. I love conference it still gets me excited. Lol 

That’s good little red needed some TLC and I don't think it would hurt the van either. Lol Did peewee get a deer? Where did dad go? Tell pee wee she can write me when ever she wants I still have 10 letters I have yet to reply to. I'm gonna try to get most of them done today if I have time. My body says it needs some sleep.
I was so glad President let me call grandma! She sounded happy to talk to me. President said she can call me when she gets more medical news. He to wants to know how she is doing. We fasted for her on Tuesday and Saturday for her so hopefully she gets feeling better.

You should try to get me the address of all the missionaries you can so i can write them, like Jordan, McCoy, Jeremy, Aaron, Brandon Peterson, and who else is on a mission? I can’t remember them all. But you should try to get those for me please. O and Durf and Dallin's when they get one. Tell them they are gonna love it. And ask durff why he hasn't written me yet! There is a sister Durfee he and she wants to know if she is related she said to ask bishop if he knows a Kay O. Durfee. Can you do that for me please? lol 

My ipod just leave all the songs that are on there and there is a CD called the missionary essentials collection that I love that I would like on there. If you could get that at the distribution center and burn it to the computer then send me it in CD and ipod that would be great. Lol and just put some good uplifting country/ pop songs that aren't distracting or talk about inappropriate things. That all the requirements for music are. So something other than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will be great. I liked everything. I'm really only interested in some Lady Antebellum. All her songs are appropriate. I have lots on my computer. I feel like a lazy bum! I can't do anything for myself! lol. I'm use to being independent and now i can’t do anything with out help or permission. Grrr. I hope you don't mind. I loved the stuff you sent me it totally made my week. I'm not surprised Blake and Kaitlyn broke up. Long distance just don't work, especially at college! Lots of fish in the sea that you would like to catch but can't cuz you already have your limit! Know what i mean! But anyways what do i know? I haven't had a chance to look at my blog yet but i will soon.
Thanks so much mom for all you do. Tell everyone i love them.
Love you forever like you for always,
Love twarky

October 3, 2011

Hey Mama,
Did you get my ipod i sent????My week has been great! So busy and general conference was great! Its so crazy how much general conference is on a mission! I can understand everything they are talking about and i can under stand all the big works lol. It’s great! I got the pics!!!! Thanks so much it made my week and then a package o my lanta! It was like x mas. Grandpa sent me some pics to and i got 3 letters this week it was great! I everything you sent me had something important about it. It was kinda funny.
I will keep praying for grandma and grandpa. Maybe i could get a phone call in! We will have to see. I hope things start going better for them. Idk what the heck could be wrong. She should go see some doctors out side of Burley. I will keep praying!
Why is he getting rid of Nellie and getting that? Is Nellie still running good? Get rid of pimpy!!!! It’s so ugly!!! This is probably the only instance i will vote to keep Nellie. Lol well i got to go time is short lol. Have a great week.
Love Twark

Hey Dad
 Wasn't conference great!!!! President Monson cracks me up!!! Its crazy how different conference is on a mission! I can actually understand all the big words and i know what they are talking about! It’s crazy! I didn't even fall asleep! It was way better than i thought it was gonna be.  I loved how one of the speakers said a mission isn't the best 2 years OF your life; he said it’s the best 2 years FOR your life! Isn't that true. I figured a mission wasn't gonna be fun but I knew it would be good for me. I didn't realize that you are in kinda the same boat! Lol but its true! But I think with time I will get use to it. Its just part of growing up I guess.
We had a couple inv. come to conference but not as many as we wanted. We have 7 inv. but only 3 came. Some of them said they were watching at home but idk about that. I will think of something that will motivate everyone but idk what yet. I think if y'all read the Preach my gospel it would help. Its just so great! It explains the who what and the why of everything and has great scriptures in it. So i will work on something! I loved the pics!!!! And everything looks just as zesty as when I left it lol, but holy cow the time goes fast and before long I will be back home, the new tires look sweet! Ya you don't want them to get worn down. How has mom been handling the new job? Well sounds like the same ole same ole. Let me know how the hunting goes! You might want to get in a bunker when pee wee starts shooting at a moving target! Lol well thanks for all you do. Y'all in my prayers every night, morning, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and every other countless prayer I say through the day.
Have a great week
Love ya dad

September 28, 2011

Hey dad,

I have been doing great. Yorktown is great. I have some fishing spots I am looking forward to trying out. IDK how it will turn out! LOL We have two people set for baptism here and there should be two more by the end of the week if things go as planned.

The Gospel Principles is a good book but it's not the one I am talking about. The one I am talking about is called the Preach My Gospel. It's what I use to teach my investigators. it's so much more detailed and has scriptures galor to look up. It's great! Have mom hook you up than both of you read it. maybe even have Pee Wee look at it. It puts things in English words and easy to understand.

I am excited to get your pics, they should be getting here soon. I sent some stuff home today so if you don't get it by Wednesday let me know, its insured.

I hope hunting for Pee Wee works out. Hopefully, she will have some time to go with you. She is a busy little toaster.She cracks me up, she is so good at anything she does if she tries. I would love to see a video of her shooting her first deer, lol. I still remember my first deer. I was like a woodpecker on a log, lol. It was so funny. I don't think it has changed much, lol. I am sure the dogs love being out in the hay with you. It kills me, Dexter gets out when your out there but doesn't when your not, dumb dog. How big is the four wheeler, I don't remember it much. Oh, that's pretty quick for Pee Wee to do anything 40 sec. that's great. She could probably shoot me.

I hope the hay season went well. Are you getting four crops? We didn't have to move water much earlier this year but I'm sure things have dried out with all the heat. It sounds like Jake got hurt by the horse, that would hurt like crazy to have a horse land your thigh.

Sounds like your hunt will be fun. Too bad I couldn't be there, but I am in the right place. I have learned so much but I am not gonna lie it is hard. I miss being on my own and feeling like I am being judged on my every move. I am learning patience and lots of them. It is good for me that's what I keep telling myself.

Well Pops, I hope all is well on the home front. I love you and miss ya. Good luck hunting, go get em.

September 28, 2011

Hey Mom,
Monticello was great, I sent some stuff home about it and Darden School of Business is where we had institute every Wednesday. It’s really nice!!!! I’m gonna go there after the mish, JK. I can’t leave you again. We haven’t done any cleaning up here because it did not get hit too hard, it missed Yorktown. Me and Elder Sevy get along well. I am not going to lie a mission is hard, but I have learned so much! So, I guess it’s good. Well, I know it is because I can see how much I have grown in such a short time. It’s a love hate relationship for sure. I bought a trunk and some $1 ties at the Good Will. I needed a trunk to put my fishing stuff, lamp and bedding in. I was full in my other bags. Sounds like work has been keeping you busy. Has it been nice having that extra income? Pee Wee has been keeping y'all busy too I see. It will be nice when she can drive, lol. I’m excited to get those pics. I can only imagine what dad took pics of. Probably the fridge and all of the food, the nice big t.v. lol. It sounds like Kambrie is quite the dead eye; she will be able to make hunting work. There is always time to hunt. The dishtowel incident!!! I'm not surprised one bit. She likes to hoard every ones stuff in her room and you can’t find anything. I bet my closet will be empty when I get home. But ya I believe she had everyone of the towels in there. She probably never even thought about them either. She is a little brat, JK LOL!
For conference we have to go to the church and watch it. We will have like 6 investigators there so it should be fun. We have a couple set for baptism. We gave them a blessing yesterday so they wouldn’t struggle with the word of wisdom anymore. That is too bad about Chrissy, I am sure it was a sad day. Grandma and Grandpa haven’t changed I can tell, lol. They crack me up.
Well, mom I appreciate all you do for me you’re a big help. I would do more if I could but I’m under surveillance, LOL. I hate feeling like a caged rat. I rely on someone to give me money for food. I can only eat at certain times of the day. I feel helpless sometimes. I guess it’s teaching me to be humble too. I;m too much like dad, I want to do my own thing and not be told what to do. But thanks for helping me you’re the best mom ever. That’s why I’m gonna love you forever, like you for always as long as I’m living my mom you will be. And the best part about the gospel is you will be my mom forever. Thanks.

September 26, 2011

Hey Mom
My week has been great. Monticello was great. I’m sending some stuff from that home today so you can see. I’m gonna write y'all a letter so you have something to look forward to. I would like to maybe have you send me my yellow horse blanket! It’s getting cooler at night here. Not much clean up to do it didn’t get hit to bad here. Things in Yorktown aren’t quite what I was thinking they would be! I was expecting lots of ghetto stuff but there isn’t any here. Its lots cleaner than Charlottesville and lots flatter. Makes riding the bike mucho better. My new comp is Elder Sevy. He is from Saint George, UT. He is a good kid and a great missionary. I am learning more patience lol. I don’t think I will ever get a perfect comp. cuz the lord knows I need to learn some patience and charity lol. But all is well. We are teaching lots of people and have a few set for baptism. Let hope we get some more. Well I’m gonna write you so I will talk to ya later.
Love Twark
 p.s. I have to by a bike so I’m gonna have to take 120 out of my account.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19, 2011

Hello mother of mine that I love so much!!
No one here even knows my name except Cody pickup and he calls me that when I see him which has been twice.
It sounds like your week has been full of excitement!
I haven’t had any more baptisms since the one but I won’t be here anymore anyway!!!!I’m going to YORKTOWN!!!!! So much history there I’m pumped!! Hopefully there will be someone who wants s to be baptized to!! My new comp will be Elder Sevy. Let’s hope he is cool. Me and elder Harrison are going to Monticello today1 I hope it’s worth it cuz its 20 bucks!

It weird to think Maddox is already a year old!! Tomorrow I will have been out 2 months! Time is flying buy! I’m not complaining. I haven’t been fishing anymore! There isn’t enough time but there will be in the future. We have lots of investigators that we are teaching right now so I won’t be teaching them anymore but hopefully they will get baptized.
Well mommy my new address is

1200 Piccadilly Loop. APT. G
Yorktown VA, 23692

You should put it on fb so if someone wants s to write me they can see where I am. Other than that not much else is going on. I’m excited to see my new area. I will send pics.
Love you forever like you for always
Yellow Horse

September 13, 2011

Hey yall
I’m doing well. The guy I met at Carl's Jr. is getting baptized on the 10th but idk if I will still be in Charlottesville. So don’t send anything until I find out where I will be. I will let you know on Monday where I will be. We have been very busy this week and it was a good week. We had a mission conference yesterday and Elder Evans of the 70 came and talked to us. I learned a lot there. My comps and I still don’t get along the greatest but we have agreed to disagree so it’s all working out. Pee wee I did get your letter but I still want the other 2. Lol it’s kind of funny cuz I usually get 3 to 4 letters a week and my comps are lucky if they get one. I’m just loved what can I say! Well, not much else is going on just working like crazy! Hey DAD you should get you a Preach my Gospel and read it at work! I have learned so much more in 2 months than I ever have and most of it comes from that book.  BLAKE and Kaitlyn!!!!!!!! wth hahahahah

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Hey Mom,
I'm doing good. I had my first baptism on Saturday and I got to confirm him on Sunday in front of the ward of about 300 people. I was nervous but did well. Ya, Cody was down closer to the coast so imagine he has been keeping busy with that. We haven't had much cleaning up to do here but idk if we will go down there and help. 
Don't worry about not sending something every week, it's all good. Oh, the other day I was eating at Carl's Jr and went to dump my tray and a guy came up to me and asked what church I was from and I told him and guess what! He came to church the next day and is getting lessons now. That was exciting because that was without my comps help. Other than that nothing new.
Sounds like you are keeping busy at school , work , with Pee Wee, and home lol. Sounds like a great time. It will be mucho better next year though when everything is already done.
I have a few things I would like though, could you get me a pic of the day we got sealed in the temple. We can listen to country as long as it appropriate so if you could make a play list and when its done I will send my ipod. ;) and that jump drive I put in my digital pic frame could you out some pics on there, and could I send my memory cards home so you can put all my pics on your computer?
Well, that's all for now.  Thanks so much
Love you forever,